3. Variables

In this section you’ll learn about variables in Python, how to assign values to them as well as assigning multiple values at once.

3.1. Assignments

Defining a variable is as easy as:

x = 5

Python doesn’t care about the type of value you assign to a variable (at least not in these basic cases). The following parts are executed in the Python REPL to get immediately the results of our commands.

>>> x = 5
>>> x
>>> type(x)
<class 'int'>
>>> x = "Hello World"
>>> x
'Hello World'
>>> type(x)
<class 'str'>

Unlike other programming languages like C, we are not restricted to assign a number (an integer = int) again to the variable x. Instead we can assign a different type of value to our variable - in this case a string (= str). Also note the usage of the built-in type() function. With type you are able to get (as you might guess) the type of a variable or object.

3.2. Multiple Assignments

Python allows you to assign multiple values to multiple variables at once:

>>> x, y = 5, 6
>>> x
>>> y